AUAV provided RRV with a 3D reality capture of the rockface area inclusive of both upslope and downslope. The provision of the downslope section of the rockface was additional detail provided to the client. It was upon review of the downslope section of the 3D model the client was able to obtain crucial information related to high priority road safety.

RRV Great Alpine Road Case Study
Prior to having access to the downslope data the client had not been aware of the precarious nature of the bottom section of the cliff face. The 3D model provided the client key information to ensure additional safety measures were put in place.
Great Alpine Road for Regional Roads Victoria (RRV)

Regional Roads Victoria (RRV) required three separate elements in one deliverable.
- First to get a post-construction as-built survey of an inaccessible rockface.
- Second, RRV wanted to confirm the vegetation offset extent.
- Lastly a geotechnical record of the rockface.
- The 3D model provided basis for engineering analysis for downslope stability and rockfall mitigation.
- AUAV provided RRV with a central resource for the Great Alpine Road site, meaning limited people were required on site, mitigating additional risk and cost.